Policies and Procedures
Tuition payments are due by the first of the month during the Fall and Spring Semesters. For the Summer Semester and for students part of the Pay-Per-Lesson Period, tuition payments are due by first of the month, with the total number of lessons being taken for that month already determined. A late fee of $15.00 will be added to your account after the fifth of the next month if you have not paid for tuition. A student may also be suspended if a balance is past due. If you are having difficulty making tuition payments, please contact the office. Invoices and/or statements are generally not sent but may be sent as a reminder for late payments.
We accept checks, money orders, online bill pay (through your bank), credit and debit cards over the phone and in office, and Paypal payments. For checks, money orders, and online bill pay, please leave a memo including the student’s name. If using Paypal, please click here for more information.
Cash/checks/money orders should be placed in one of the two payment drop-boxes. Checks can also be mailed to us at our address:
Gaston School of the Arts, Inc.
825 Union Road
Gastonia, NC 28054
The payment drop-boxes are located on the first floor of the Office and Music building and on the wall to the right once inside the Art Building.
For returned checks, a $25.00 fee will be added to your account.
In general, music classes require the students to have their own instruments and lesson books. Drama class depends on the class and the instructor. Youth art has a $20 materials fee for items to be used in the class. Adult art classes require students to bring their own materials or pay a materials fee.
Music students are responsible to pay for printed music and accompanist fees. Teachers will have sources to purchase music and information concerning available accompanists. Gaston School of the Arts does not condone the use of photocopied music without written permission from the appropriate sources.
All students must register for all classes and/or lessons being taken. Fill out the registration forms completely. Registration forms may be found upstairs on the round table in the Office and Music building or online. To register online, please click here. If filling out a paper registration form, please check both sides. Please make sure to read all sections of the form carefully.
Registration forms are due before you begin classes and/or lessons. Turn in paper registration forms to your instructors or in to the payment drop box. Registration forms filled out online will be sent to the GSOA email.
There is a semesterly registration fee of $25 for both the Fall and Spring Semesters. Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Registration fees and forms are required in order to secure slots and begin classes and/or lessons. For returning students to secure their slots after summer, registration fees and forms are due by May 1st . After May 1st, the unsecured slots will be opened up for other students.
There are no Summer registration fees for incoming or returning students.
Music Lessons
If you are signed up for music lessons, please note: there will be up to a total of 16 lessons available per Fall semester* and 20 per Spring semester** (or, on average, 4 lessons per month). The recital at the end of each semester counts as 1 lesson because each student receives pre-recital instruction and recital training is part of musical training.*** Some months may not have a total of 4 lessons but any lesson imbalance will be recouped in a later month or by the semesterly recital. The GSOA Calendar is devised carefully to ensure that each student receives the correct number of lessons.
Makeup Lessons/Classes
During the Spring and Fall semesters (excluding pay-per-lesson students), if an instructor misses a lesson/class, a makeup lesson/class will be given or the tuition will be pro-rated. If a student misses a lesson/class, a makeup lesson/class will be offered at the discretion of the teacher and no credit/refund will be offered. Except for emergencies, a 24-hour notice is required for lesson or class cancellation.
During the Summer Semester, if an instructor misses a lesson/class, the student will not be charged for the lesson/class. If a student misses a lesson/class and has informed the instructor at least 24 hours prior to the class/lesson time, the student will not be billed for the lesson/class. If a student does not provide adequate prior notice, the student will be billed for the class/lesson (except in the case of emergencies).
If taking a vacation or a break from lessons/classes, please notify the office AND your instructor two weeks in advance (just like in the drop policy). Otherwise, during the Fall and Spring Semesters, you will be billed for your missed lessons/classes. If you do decide to schedule a break from lessons/classes, your slot will be opened up to incoming students.
Lesson/Class Drop
Students must give a written, two-week notice before dropping a class or lessons. If notification is not received the student will be charged for the two weeks after the drop is determined.
If requesting to change instructors, it is preferable for students to wait until the end of the semester. However, if it is approved by the office, fill out a drop form with a two-weeks notice and re-register with the appropriate instructor.
Private Lessons
For the protection of our teachers and students, students under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult on the campus during private lessons.
School Closings and Holidays
GSOA does not follow any particular public or private school calendar. GSOA holiday closings will be posted on our calendar. Check GSOA’s Facebook page for inclement weather closings.
Prohibited Items
Illegal substances (drugs), alcohol, and firearms (and other weapons such as swords, etc.) are not allowed on the GSOA campus.
Loiterers on the GSOA campus are NOT authorized to remain on the GSOA campus. They are considered trespassers. Because the intentions of these loiterers remains unknown and their presence could pose a potential danger, you are encouraged to report the loiterer to the nonemergency police by calling them at (704) 866—3300.