Eugenia Evans Scholarship
Gaston School of the Arts offers partial scholarships through the Eugenia Evans Scholarship Fund to selected students who demonstrate a need for financial assistance. All Scholarship forms for the Fall and Spring Semesters (combined)/Spring Semesters, including recommendations, must be received by August 1. All Scholarship forms for the Spring Semester only, including recommendations, must be received by December 1. Scholarships are awarded in Early September and Early January and are applied to lesson fees for the School Year. Scholarship awards do not include summer lessons. Please complete the Scholarship Application (one application per child). All applicants require two student recommendations (must not be related to the student). Scholarship Applications and Recommendation Forms should be mailed directly to GSOA. If filling out a Recommendation Form, please do not return the completed recommendations to the student or parent applying. Send all the forms to:
Gaston School of the Arts
Attn: Executive Director
825 Union Rd
Gastonia, NC 28054